Friday, June 15, 2007


I havce been running little more than the blog here suggests. About a week and a half ago I got a pain in my butt. I can actually feel the tension in the pirformis muscle.

I'm a bit worried because this is frequently described as an ongoing problem. I found some srtetched. Hopefully if I do this over the next week, I can be out running by the time I get to Utah.

Here are the stretches

-Pretzel Stretch (start off by lying on your back, bend your knees and cross your right leg over your left so that your right ankle rest on your left knee in a figure four position. Then bring your left leg towards your chest by bending at the hip. Reach through and grab your left thigh to help pull things toward your chest.)
-Standing active stretch (lift injured leg, rotate leg inward, pointing toward other leg, and hold for 10 seconds, repeat).
-Lying down active stretch (lying down face down, bend your knee at a right angle so that your lower leg is pointing straight up, now rotate your leg so that your foot moves outward, away from you, when you reach maximum stretch hold for 10 seconds, repeat).
-Lie on back, flex injured hip and knee, grasp injured knee with uninjured-side hand, pull knee towards uninjured-side shoulder, grasp just above right ankle with injured-side hand, and rotate ankle outwards.
-Stand on your uninjured foot, place injured foot on chair such that injured knee and hip are flexed at about 90 degrees. Now, using injured side hand, press the injured knee across towards the other side of the body while keeping the ball of the injured foot on the same spot of the chair.
-Other: Important to stretch iliopsoas (rest on bent knee, injured side, and slowly roll forward).