Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bah! Strength Training Woes

For the second week in a row I've ruined my speed work out with strength training. I decided I would start strength training two weeks ago on a Sunday. I figured the soreness last week was just from not having done it for a while. So I did it again on this Sunday.

By the end of yesterday I was feeling pretty sore. I did some yoga last night, but it wasn't enough to repair the damage. I was suposed to run 4 x1600 at 10k pace with 3 min jog recovery. I got through a warm up lap and then 800 m at slower than 10 min/mi.

I think I'll just go swim laps tonight and let the run today go. I'd like to keep up the strength training, but I have to keep it at a level that won't kill me two days out. Or maybe I could do my speed work out on Monday, since two days out seems to be the worst.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 2

We'll I recovered from my second long run much better than the first. I ran 16 mi on Saturday and I think I've found myself a rather nice long run loop in my new town. I ran from my place to the Island Trail, up Canyon Rd to the Bonneville Shore Line Trail. I'm going to run it in reverse next weekend to get a better view of the Wellsvilles by heading south along the Wasatch.

I took it quite slow, averaging 12 min miles. Perhaps speed will come with time. For now I'm happy to get through the distance. My hamstring is hurting just a little bit. Check out the elevation profile. That's quite a climb at mile 4.

People keep telling me that I'll be acclimated by now, but with altitude like this and last week's, starting at 4500 and 6000 feet, I think it could take a bit longer to get use to it.

Where'd the pic go?

Friday, July 20, 2007


I was just reading a Runner's World message board thread. It was titled Drinking While Running. I was hoping for tips on how to balance alcohol consumption with marathon training -- no such luck. It's a typical thread about how to carry water. Zzzzz.
Anyways, the person who started the thread is "Running Vicugna", complete with picture of a vicugna/vicuna. I have a thing for llama-like creatures. Vicuna are the cutest of them all.

Back in the Saddle

So it turns out theinjury I have is actually in my hamstrings. It's not a huge surprise, I've known that my hamstrings are tight for a while.

I went to the doctor, who showed me some exercises. He recommended physical therapy, but the exercises and doing yoga a couple times a week seem to be working, so I think I'll by pass that.

In the mean time, I've been able to start a marathon training. I'm adopting the Runner's World veteran plan. It's a bit of a stretch to call myself a veteran, but with a couple modifications (e.g. slower long runs, atleast to start) I think it makes sense for me.

My first week was last week. I managed to get in the long run on Sat while on a family minibreak to a lake cabin. What I didn't realize was that the elevation of where we were staying was at 6000 feet. I've been adjusting to 4500 in my new home. That and a bug that was going through some of the fam had me wiped out at the beginning of the week.

My pace has generally been slower since ramping up in Logan. I figure it's a combination of injury, the time off I took while moving and first injured, and elevation.