Saturday, August 25, 2007


Today I ran 19 miles. It feels good to have that under my belt. It was supposed to be a 20 miler according to my schedule (which is now nothing more than a very rough guide), but I hadn't hit 18 yet. I'm confident that I can get in a couple 20 milers in the next 6 weeks before my taper.

I ran with D, who I met on Thursday at a Logan Newcomers meet up. She's thinking of doing a half in a couple weeks, so wanted to go for 10. She showed me to the Logan River Trail. It reaches the same elevation as the Bonneville Lakeshore Trail that I've been doing, but it does it starts off 200' higher and is more gradual and shaded.

The second half without her was much harder. It had gotten hotter and I didn't have company. If we do that again, I'll try to get in my extra miles before we meet up.

It made the run go by a lot quicker to have some one to talk to. She's thinking about getting a Team in Training group together. I think it'd be a blast to help her out. The target marathon will be the Salt Lake City Marathon next Spring.

I'm not sure I want to make the SLC my spring marathon. I don't like the elevation profile; it has some areas that look like rough down hill. I had set my sights on Napa, which is mostly flat with a slight 300' elevation drop over the entire course. I won't decide until after the MCM, but with Napa on March 2 and SLC on April 19, I could do the SLC half and support the team. The main point of TNT would be the commraderee in training.

My other success of the day was that I was able to stay awake all day. I have been struggling after my long runs and usually take a nap. I didn't do much (except become addicted to MythBusters --Great Show!!) and I had some lightheadedness, but I stayed awake. Now I'm going to go to bed early and see if I can get in an easy 5 mi tomorrow.

Oh, I signed up for a half in Salt Lake next week, but D knows of a half near Ogden in two weeks, we're thinking of carpooling and providing each other moral support. I think that's a much better idea. I was worried about the logistics of the SLC half. It's a point to point with limited transport.

1 comment:

anna jo said...

actually, the SLC is a pretty nice marathon. there really isn't any major hills or anything, so I think it would be totally doable.

what's your next race?