Monday, October 8, 2007

Delightful Run

Normally, D & I do our long run on Saturdays, more recently E has been joining us as well (3 years in Logan, so she brings some local knowledge to the group). It's been great having partners to get me through the longest runs of training. But this Saturday, the weather was just horrible (freezing rain/sleet, 35 degrees), and I had my last 20 miler before the marathon, so I wanted to finish it. I ran 13 in cold rain last week and my hips were really hurting by the end, so I was worried about the impact of cold.

Anyway, D and E decided to go yesterday instead. It was gorgeous. There was snow on the mountains and the fall foliage is still out. I wanted to get pictures of the Wellsvilles from the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, so I started out there. I completely compromised my plan to get in 10 before D & E joined me by only going 3 miles in my first hour because I was taking so many pictures. But I think that's really what I enjoy about running. It gets me out there when I wouldn't other wise and I see things that I would otherwise miss. I'm thinking that might be a better approach for me than aiming to qualify for Boston. We'll see how I feel after the MCM.

I did manage to get in 8 before D & E joined, so I was with them through the toughest part of the run. I ended up only going 18.5 though because my hips were in pain. I really hope to get off work in time to join the yoga class that D & K recommend. I think that and some swimming will help me recover.

D was really positive with me, it reminds me of how I talk to other runners; but I've really gotten away from "easy does it" for myself. She told me to not over do it. Basically, the only thing that can go wrong now is to over train and injure myself. I ran 22 two weeks ago, 18 this week and had another 19 miler in my build up. In my head, I know I can run a marathon, but I don't feel all that strong. I don't know if it's that the altitude has taken such a toll or if it's because I have been working myself harder or if I've actually lost fitness.

While we were running yesterday, I remembered that it was the day of the Chicago Marathon and I thought of the Capital Striders in DC that were planning to run it. It was such a lovely day for a run (here) and I thought about how nice it would be to be running Chicago. Of course, it turned out horrible for them. My heart goes out to the people that trained so hard and traveled there only to have such bad conditions and canceled race. When conditions were so horrible in Boston this year, it just seemed like it made the runners tough and it would be a bonding experience. This is something entirely different. Boston is known for being tough. Chicago is known for having a lot of positive energy and being newbie friendly. I think it goes to show that if you're going to run marathons, you should probably enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

-Reformed Penguin

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