Monday, October 8, 2007

Zero to Boston

Dean Schuster's Zero to Boston is my favorite running blog. I love this guy's spirit; I love the way he writes. His ultra race report is classic in my book. He was on blogging hiatus for a while. I kept on checking. I was so excited when he posted in August, but so sad when it was just telling all of us fans to give him a break. So left out in the cold by Dean, I moved on I guess, not to something better, just let it go. Maybe there'll never be another Zero to Boston, it'll be the blog that got awya. I actually forgot about him after a while. Well, just like that he's gotten back in the game and gotten rather prolific. I have to catch up! So exciting. I know I shouldn't be here hanging on his every word, but it's just so good.

Dean being the way he is--just does everything better. I'm always encouraging other people to take up running. It's really hard to explain why. I just want this for other people. Not the beating ones self up that I have been doing way too much since starting this blog, but the enjoyment piece. Running is great. Here's how Dean feels. Me too!!! me too.

I'm going to save the rest for later....sure just like I planned to take more than a day to read The Deathly Hallows and the weekly Ugly Betty DVRed episode gets saved for the weekend.

If you do pick up the Zero to Boston habit, make sure to click on the links to the more detailed writings that he does, e.g., the race reports.

1 comment:

ZeroToBoston said...

Thanks Brook!

I didn't know about this post, and someone directed me to it. I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. This is so very nice of you, and inspiring to me!

I'll do my best to keep writing!

- Dean